Terracare Talks

Monday, February 16, 2015

On Monday, February 16, 2015 in ,    No comments

Bill Horn, Vice President at Terracare Associates, was nominated for Professional Landcare Network, PLANET, Lifetime Leadership Award for his outstanding commitment to the green industry. Planet is a national landcare network representing more than 100,000 landscape and lawn care professionals across the country. Mr. Horn has an impressive back ground with almost 35 years in the landscape industry shared with his devotion for sustainability and a love for giving back to the community. He began his membership with Planet in 1995, almost 20 years ago and remains a very active and contributing member of the organization.

Bill Horn has been a Planet Board Member for almost 5 years and served on the Safety Committee for 10 years also he is the current the treasurer of the Green Industry Expositions, a large green expo that takes place each year. In addition, Horn is a Paul Harris Fellow with Rotary International and worked on various community service projects in the region.

As an executive at Terracare Associates, Horn's career in the green industry is more than a job it's a passion for spreading green beyond the corporate walls. He has incorporated sustainability and environmental policies in daily operations.

Bill Horn is well known in the Bay area for his outstanding philanthropic efforts. Community outreach and volunteering is a core value of Terracare Associates and Horn supports this effort as he is committed to providing volunteers, expertise, equipment and other resources to grow a love for and beautify gardens and landscapes. One great partnership he has developed is with Friends of Marsh Creek to assist with creek habitat restoration projects across the East Bay region.

With deep dedication to connect youth to care for our earth, Mr. Horn and his team organized, built and maintained several edible gardens at neighborhood schools in the Bay area. Bill Horn is a landscape executive with a remarkable track record and a contributing citizen who believes that dedicating ourselves through service will make the world a better place to live. The recipient for this prestigious award will be announced by Planet in February, 2015.


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